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2019 NYS CB Board Members and NYS LNG Mission Statements

By Marie Schongar posted 01-30-2020 10:02


NYS CB Board Members and NYS LNG Mission Statements

I have had the privilege of being on the New York State (NYS) Coordinating Body (CB) since 2013. I served as NYS CB Chair-Elect from 2014-2016 and Chair from 2017-2018. I have met so many talented, dedicated women who work in varied aspects of diabetes care. We have had many of our board members serve on the National AADE Board, including our 2019 President Karen Kemmis, who we are very proud of. I have also been involved for many years with our Local Networking Group (LNG) and am the Finance Chair at present.

Each year, the NYS CB meets in March and October in New Burgh NY. We have by-laws that we update yearly. We have had 2 Regional Diabetes conferences in 2015 and 2018, both in Saratoga NY. The conferences were both well attended and with great speakers. We have agreed that we would have another diabetes conference in 2021, every 3 years at this point. We recently sent out a survey and are getting good responses for our next conference. During the meetings, we have many volunteer positions and each one gives a report on their responsibilities. We have been including activity with a song and dance to be submitted to the AADE song contest for the national meeting, we have a lot of laughs with this.

We update our AADE NYS web page each year with our present volunteer positions. We also have four LNG’s, one in Metropolitan NY called The Metropolitan New York Association of Diabetes Educators (MNYADE), one in the Lower Hudson Valley called the New York Diabetes Educators of the Lower Hudson Valley (NYDELHV), one in the Northeastern NY region called Northeastern New York Diabetes Educators (NENYDE) and our newest LNG in the Buffalo region, the Buffalo New York American Association of Diabetes Educators (BNYAADE). Each year we update our LNG mission statements, individualized to that group and to reflect our new leaders at the local level.

After you have been involved at the LNG level, then we consider the educator for a NYS CB position if one becomes available. We have the Leader or President, Leader-Elect or President-Elect come to our two meetings per year so that it will help them to better understand the AADE structure and guide them with their LNG management. The Leaders/Presidents are invited each year to the AADE leadership training in Chicago that gives a wealth of information about how to support their LNG. It is a great time to network with your state and other states’ leaders.

I have included in attachments our 2019 NYS CB Board member list and our four mission statements for your review. I am grateful to be able to mentor our new LNG board members with the experiences that I have learned from these wonderful, caring educators on our NYS CB.

Thank you for all you do,

Marie Schongar MS, FNP-BC, BC-ADM, CDE

Albany Medical Center Department of Endocrinology

Immediate Past Chair of the NYS CB for AADE