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Diabetes Caucus Insurance Presentation

By Aimee Henderson posted 11-13-2018 09:47


November is National Diabetes Month!  I want to thank each of you for all that you do to help those with diabetes. The Oklahoma Senate Diabetes Caucus met with several insurance providers from across the state on Thursday , November 1st.  Senator Frank Simpson and Sarah Yount, PharmD, presented to the group about the function of the diabetes caucus, action steps of the caucus, and the burden of diabetes in Oklahoma. Marlene Asmussen from the Oklahoma Healthcare Authority talked about the progression of SB972 activity which is to assess the feasibility of covering DSMT for Oklahoma's Medicaid population.   Sarah Yount provided an overview of DSMT (DSMES) and DPP to the group and presented outcomes collected from several programs in Oklahoma.   She reported that 7 Oklahoma DSMES sites have a combined 1.05% reduction in Hemoglobin A1c and 5 Oklahoma DPP sites have a combined 5.3% reduction in weight.  

We also had time to hear from those insurance plans about programs that they are using to help their members with diabetes.   The Oklahoma State Health Plan is looking for ways to be able to cover DPP. They are currently ensuring that it will be cost-effective because it will impact state agencies and public schools.   Several insurance plans have projects that are covering test strips and supplies at 100%, some have digital health tools, gym discounts, and case managers.  The goal of the diabetes caucus is to continue these conversations with health plans and other key stakeholders in diabetes management to help reduce the burden of diabetes in Oklahoma.

Also, a reminder to sign-up for early bird registration for the OKC-LNG meeting after the next diabetes caucus meeting on Thursday, December 6th at 12pm.  We hope to see you there!