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ACT 59: Excluding VT diabetes educators from CEU events!

By Erica Owen posted 01-09-2013 10:37


Have you had this happen?  Your eager to attend a CEU event, but then denied attendance...because the pharmaceutical sponsored event was offering food!  How did this happen, and what can be done about it? 

It's becoming clear that this might be a misinterpretation of Act 59.  If you've had a similar experience, contact the VTADE Advocacy Leadership at .  Your experience and insight is important, as we move forward to regain access to valuable education. 

For more information on Act 59 read VTADE's recent response from Chris Winters (Lawyer in the Sec of State office). Chris writes...

"Act 59 was passed a few years ago effective July 1, 2009 to try to get a handle on the costs of prescription drugs and make public the marketing efforts of pharmaceutical companies.  The law tries to make those marketing efforts more transparent by requiring disclosure of gifts and other things of value (like meals) that are given to prescribers.  As you know, the cost of prescription drugs are a major driving force behind rising health care costs.  I'm not sure how this would affect you and your ability to attend CE."

Here is a link to the law: