Volunteer Opportunity Details

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Mountain Region Area LNG 'Core' Board and regular members

Starts: 01-10-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


Mountain Region LNG area of the Virginia CB is looking for additional core members to serve on the LNG board and regular meetings.
These include treasurer, education activity planning, advocacy and disaster preparedness representatives
Martie Slaughter is the current chair. She has actively worked to promote diabetes education and care in the Mountain Region, as well as promoting the development of RDs, RNs, and other health professionals to as Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists. Periodic education dinner meetings sponsored by diabetes industry partners are scheduled in Roanoke, Bedford, Lynchburg area.
Tasks involve monthly/periodic 'board' meeting calls and related activities in the education and care of PWD.
Professional development, networking, continuing education opportunities, as well as local and national education travel  opportunities are only some of the perks.

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary




Martha Slaughter
Nutrition Dimensions, Inc

Nominate Volunteers

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