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Title: How does the efficacy of Rybelsus compare to DPP4s and SGLT2s in patients with T2DM? Author: Jiwoo Lee, PharmD Candidate 2024, Northeastern University School of Pharmacy Reviewer: Courtney Cameron, PharmD, BCACP What is Rybelsus? Rybelsus (semaglutide) is the first oral GLP-1 RA approved by the FDA to improve glycemic control in patients with T2DM in conjunction with diet and exercise. The medication is available in 3mg, 7mg, and 14mg tablets; the manufacturer recommends initiating with 3mg once daily for 30 days and then escalating to 7mg. The dose can further be increased to 14mg in patients requiring additional ...
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Stretched Thin On GLP-1/GIP Agonists: Tips for navigating the national shortages By: Bharathi Ravikumar, PharmD and Kaitlyn Craddock, PharmD, BCACP GLP-1 agonists and GLP-1/GIP agonist injectable medications have exploded in popularity across the nation. It seems like everyone from family members to next door neighbors to celebrities are on these medications for weight loss and/or type 2 diabetes treatment. The effectiveness of these medications, once weekly dosing, and ease of administration have made these injections an ideal choice to incorporate into busy lifestyles. With the rise in usage came the subsequent national shortages of these medications. ...
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Dietary advanced glycation end-products and postmenopausal hot flashes: A post-hoc analysis of a 12-week randomized clinical trial (March 24, 2023) - click for the full study The participants in this study are postmenopausal women aged 40-65 and although living with diabetes was not a requirement of the study, the intervention is promising in reducing hot flashes while supportive of preventive health for women living with diabetes and/or insulin resistance. Objective: Dietary advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) may act as endocrine disruptors, this study examined the potential association of modifications to the intake of dietary AGEs with ...
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Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RA) and Diabetic Retinopathy Prepared by: Emily Short, PharmD, PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident, Boston Medical Center What is diabetic retinopathy? Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a microvascular complication of diabetes mellitus and is one of the most common causes of vision loss worldwide among individuals aged 25 to 74 years. 1 In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated about 9.6 million people across the United States had been diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy, of which 1.84 million have vision-threatening DR. 2 The development of DR in patients with diabetes occurs ...
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WV Local Networking Group (LNG) is very excited to have the opportunity have Andrea McCarty, MS, RDN, LD, CDCES speak about patient advocacy related to patients living with diabetes. Andrea is currently employed by WVU as a Certified Diabetes Dietitian at the Pediatric Endocrinology office. Andrea is also involved with the ADCES Advocacy Committee. At the end of the presentation, we will also be discussing with attendees at which location we would want to host our 2024 Diabetes Symposium. WV has not sponsored the Diabetes Symposium since 2016 and we are excited to get it rejuvenated again to provide a support system for the providers providing care for patients ...
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As the CEO of Umemba Health, Quisha Umemba (pronounced "Kwee-shuh oooMEMbuh") brings over 20 years of diverse experience to her roles as a registered nurse, public health consultant, and entrepreneur. Quisha has developed, implemented, and overseen numerous health initiatives and community collaborations throughout her career. Specializing in Workforce Training and Development, her training approach blends conventional, experiential, and transformational methods to create engaging educational content, delivered across various platforms. Her distinctive approach has earned her the moniker "The Trainer's Trainer." An advocate for health equity, her life's ...
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The FDA announced November 8, 2023 that it granted approval to Eli Lilly and Co. for Zepbound (tirzepatide) via priority review and fast track designation for chronic weight management (CWM). This is an injectable prescription medicine indicated for CWM in adults with obesity (body mass index (BMI) of at least 30 kg/m2), or with an overweight BMI (at least 27 kg/m2) AND at least one weight related chronic disease/comorbidity, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. It should be used in conjunction with increased physical activity and a reduced calorie diet. Zepbound (tirzepatide) is administered as a once weekly subcutaneous ...
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Title: Management of SGLT2i in Patients with Diabetes Preparing for Surgery Author: Vivian Tran, PharmD Candidate 2024, University of Rhode Island School of Pharmacy Reviewer: Courtney Cameron, PharmD, BCACP Background The management of diabetes is often complex, involving a combination of lifestyle changes, pharmacologic therapy, and even surgical interventions. Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors are recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes and established ASCVD or multiple risk factors for ASCVD. These agents have also shown efficacy and mortality benefit in patients with heart failure and chronic ...
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By Susannah Chen A newly published study found that type 2 diabetes is not attributed to having obesity as defined by BMI. Rather, each individual’s genetics determine whether or not they have become too heavy for their body and have too much fat inside the pancreas and liver than they can tolerate. The onset of type 2 diabetes is not attributed to having obesity as defined by body mass index (BMI) , a new study has found. It’s actually caused by having more fat inside the liver and pancreas than that particular person can handle. Dr. Roy Taylor, professor of medicine and metabolism at the University of Newcastle School of Medicine in England ...
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Title : Use of GLP1-RAs in patients with a history of cholelithiasis Author: Sarah Hughes, PharmD Candidate 2024 University of Rhode Island, School of Pharmacy Reviewer: Courtney Cameron, PharmD, BCACP Background Cholelithiasis, also known as gallstones, are hardened collections of bile materials such as cholesterol or bilirubin that collect at the bottom of the gallbladder. The size of a gallstone can vary and most of the time, they do not cause an issue until they get loose and travel into the bile ducts. When a gallstone gets loose it can travel through the bile ducts to the liver or the small intestine causing an obstruction ...
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This article was published on in May, 2023. by Lauren Plunkett RDN CDCES Are you feeling angry and fearful about diabetes? There’s a way to channel that negative energy into something productive and motivating. “My blood sugar was great yesterday, but today, I have absolutely had it. I’m all over the place. I’m putting the work in and still, my blood sugars will not stop moving. I am so pissed! ” If this resonates with you, perhaps you’re recalling that voice of criticism inside your head going off about time in range or a high blood glucose spike. If you beat yourself ...
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Impact and Trends of Type 2 Diabetes in the AAPI Community Prepared by Reshana Homma, PharmD (2023 grad from Northeastern University) Reviewed by Katelyn O'Brien, PharmD, BCPS, CDCES, BC-ADM AAPI Heritage Month Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month is observed during the month of May in the United States to celebrate the influence, history, and cultural diversity of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. It offers an opportunity to promote understanding of the experiences and achievements of the AAPI community while also raising awareness of the specific challenges they face. 1 As clinicians, it is essential for us to be ...
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Hello and Happy Monday, You're invited to attend the dinner program below and catch up with some WPLNG friends! Elevating the Standard of Care for Severe Hypoglycemia Presented by: Jennifer Dyer, MD Friday 4/21/23 at 6pm Eddie V's Prime Seafood 501 Grant St Pittsburgh, PA Please RSVP at least 3 days prior to the program by calling or texting Tara Davin at 412-720-3009 or emailing The purpose of this event is to educate healthcare professionals and relevant staff on severe hypoglycemia management and Gvoke HypoPen.
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Enhancing Kidney Care for People with Diabetes: Tips for DCES in Practice Andrew Bzowyckyj, PharmD, BCPS, CDCES Background: The standards of care in diabetes are continually evolving as new science and evidence emerges, which ultimately enhances the overall quality of care for people living with diabetes. Admittedly, this can be a lot to keep up with as a practicing Diabetes Care & Education Specialist (DCES)! Although helping patients achieve their glucose targets is critical for preventing complications, a broader person-centered approach to diabetes care & education rooted in the ADCES7 Self-Care Behaviors™ is essential to help patients ...
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Tips for Championing Glycemic Metrics Written by Barbara Kocurek Most of us are aware of the detrimental effects of high and low blood glucose on patients, however many on our health care team are not, especially in the hospital setting. We also know that the use of data, e.g., glycemic metrics, can help identify opportunities to improve care and reduce hospital harm events. Below are some tips to gain support to establish and sustain the use of glycemic metrics in your hospital. Identify Your Goals What do you want to accomplish, either immediately or long term? Having clear goals helps shape your communication and be more effective. ...
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Friends of PBN, This blog has been well-received by fellow dietitians and was inspired by an interview for a Spanish speaking radio show. Shout out to Lily @Bertha Gonzalez ! The first meal of the day seems to be one of the greatest challenges for people moving towards a more plant-centric lifestyle. I tapped into my own kitchen, hyperlinked some of my go-to products for eating high-fiber, and linked several recipes citing PCRM, Forks Over Knives, and other PBN resources. I hope you find this as helpful as I do! Click the pic to read the blog ​​ #plantbasednutrition
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I wanted to introduce myself, my name is Crystal Allison. I am the new co-lead for the ADCES inpatient COI. Is it ironic that I turn 50 this year and it is the 50th anniversary of ADCES? So, I thought I would write a blog post on the ways that I am celebrating my 50 th . One word- Vacations! 3 trips to Florida, 1 trip to Jamaica, and an Alaskan cruise. Yes, I will be broke by the time I turn 50 in December but what fun it will be. Am I having a midlife crisis? Yes! I feel the need to travel and get it all in before I turn 50. Also, I wanted to get my Master’s before I turned 50 and accomplished that during the pandemic! Professionally , I have been a nurse ...
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January ADCES Blog Post – ADA 2023 Standards of Care: Changes to LDL Recommendations Greetings Pharmacy COI Members – January marks a new year and a new set of guidelines from the American Diabetes Association. For the first blog post of the year, I wanted to highlight some notable changes to the LDL/statin recommendations found in Section 10: Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Standard Recommendation ADA 2022 ADA 2023 Primary Prevention 10.19 For patients with diabetes aged 40–75 years without atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, use moderate-intensity statin therapy ...

Vaping by Sue Balog

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Vaping As the number of tobacco smokers decrease, there has been an increase in the number of people vaping especially in our teen population. As we help people with diabetes with behavior changes, you may be called upon to address the subject of vaping. Some facts about vaping: 1. All e-cigarettes are the same regardless of the name: Hookah pens, e-hookahs, vape pens, mods, tanks, e-shishas, or PVs (personal vaporizer vaper). 2. All use a battery to heat up a liquid called e-juice. The vapor from the heated liquid is inhaled. Battery may be come overheated and explode. 3. E-juices come in a variety of flavors and nicotine levels. 4. Vapor is just ...
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CGM In Today’s World When you think about continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) and their use in diabetes what comes to your mind? Until recently, only those with type 1 diabetes were thought to need CGM. Now, we are seeing more and more people with type 2 diabetes using CGM The first CGM in the United States was FDA approved in 1999. This began a new era in diabetes care. Since that time, CGMs have made numerous improvements. Many insurance companies do not cover CGMs unless the person is injecting insulin at least 3 times a day or using an insulin pump. When I inquire about using CGM in anyone with diabetes, I usually get the response that it is too ...
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